Thursday, March 31, 2011

Returning With Honor!

After a year of hard work and preparation Ryan is ready to get back out and serve the lord! 
Ryan has been called back to the Phnom Penh Cambodia mission and we're excited to announce that he entered the MTC yesterday morning (3.30.11) as a completely different missionary then he was a year ago. We are so proud of Ryan and all that he's accomplished in this last year. We are especially proud of how far he's come spiritually and we hope that his friends and family will support him through these next 12 weeks at the MTC (we hear those are the worst). On this blog you'll find updates from all his letters, pictures, address updates and more! Friends and extended family are asked to write hand written letters (which are better than emails anyways). However, if you have a short note or something you'd like to get to him I'd be happy to tack it on to the end of one of my emails, just leave it as a comment on the blog or email it to

However, in this first week I think it would be really helpful to send him a letter with a sentence or two from as many friends and family members as I can get! So go leave a short comment after this post and I'll email it to Ryan on Sunday! Lets see how many we can get! 

Thanks for your support and prayers for our missionary! 

Love, The Anderson Family

p.s Ryan has asked me to take over his Facebook while he's gone so his friends can keep up with his mission updates as well so if you see Ryan online in the next 2 years don't worry, it's just me :)